Steep Cone Bins

When you need to keep hard-to-move product flowing, Optimum has the answer: our Steep Cone bin models. Ranging in size from 12′ diameter through our 18′ diameter, Optimum bins with steep cone angles (55 degree) reduce friction and keep product moving.

Standard options

  • R&P bottom Gate
  • Spring Top Lid
  • Ladder
  • Steep cone

Tonnage is based on 62lbs/cu.ft.

Model # Bushels Cubic Feet Short Tons Metric Tons Bin Height Min. Auger
12′ Diameter Bins – 55 Degree Bottom Cone
1205 883 1046 21 19 18’8″ 36′
1208 1170 1386 28 25 21’8″ 41′
1210 1360 1612 32 29 23’7″ 41′
1212 1551 1838 37 33 25’7″ 46′
1215 1838 2177 44 40 28’7″ 51′
1220 2314 2743 55 50 33’7″ 61′
1225 2791 3308 102.5 93.1 38’9″ 71′
1230 3268 3874 120.1 109.0 43’9″ 81′
1235 3746 4439 137.6 124.9 43’9″ 81′
14′ Diameter Bins – 55 Degree Bottom Cone
1410 1944 2304 71.4 64.8 25’11” 46′
1412 2204 2612 81.0 73.5 27’11” 51′
1415 2593 3074 95.3 86.5 30’11” 56′
1417 2853 3381 104.8 95.1 32’11” 61′
1420 3243 3843 119.1 108.1 35’11” 61′
1425 3892 4612 143.0 129.7 40’11” 71′
1430 4541 5382 166.8 151.4 45’11” 71′
1435 5190 6152 190.7 173.1 50’11” 81′
16′ Diameter Bins – 55 Degree Bottom Cone
1610 2659 3152 97.7 88.7 28′ 61′
1612 3000 3554 110.2 100.0 30′ 56′
1615 3508 4157 128.9 116.9 33′ 61′
1617 3847 4559 141.3 128.2 35′ 61′
1620 4356 5162 160.0 145.2 38′ 71′
1625 5204 6168 191.2 173.5 43′ 71′
1630 6052 7173 222.4 201.8 48′ 81′
1635 6900 8178 253.5 230.1 53′ 91′
18′ Diameter Bins – 55 Degree Bottom Cone
1820 5665 6714 208.1 188.9 40’1″ 71′
1825 6738 7986 247.6 224.7 45’1″ 71′
1830 7812 9258 287.0 260.4 50’1″ 81′
1835 8885 10531 326.5 296.2 55’1″ 91′